Kanji List

- kun: かく.す, かく.し, かく.れる, かか.す, よ.る
- on: イン, オン
- meaning: conceal, hide, cover
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 隠す かくす to hide, to conceal 隠し引き出し かくしひきだし secret withdrawal 見え隠れ みえがくれ appearing and disappearing 隠滅 いんめつ destruction, suppression 隠居 いんきょ retirement; retired person 隠密 おんみつ privacy, secrecy, spy, detective 目隠し めかくし something used to cover the eyes, blindfold, blinder, blinker, eye bandage; concealing one's home such that the interior cannot be seen from outside 隠れ家 かくれが hiding place, refuge 隠匿 いんとく concealment 隠語 いんご secret language, jargon, cant; humbug