Kanji List
- kun: おびや.かす
- on: コウ, ゴウ, キョウ
- meaning: threat, long ages
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 劫 こう, ごう kalpa (eon, aeon); ko (in Go, the arrangement that allows for the eternal capture and recapture of the same stones) 劫かす おびやかす to intimidate, to scare; to jeopardize, to endanger, to imperil 永劫 えいごう eternity, perpetuity 億劫 おっくう, おくこう troublesome, annoying 劫火 ごうか world-destroying conflagration 劫盗 ごうとう highway robber 劫罰 ごうばつ eternal punishment 劫掠 きょうりゃく, ごうりゃく pillage, plunder 劫略 きょうりゃく, ごうりゃく pillage, plunder 万劫 ばんごう, まんごう eternity