Kanji List

- kun: あつ.い, あか
- on: コウ
- meaning: thick, heavy, rich, kind, cordial, brazen, shameless
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 厚生省 こうせいしょう Ministry of Health and Welfare (now Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) 厚さ あつさ thickness 厚相 こうしょう Welfare Minister 厚生 こうせい welfare, public welfare, social welfare; (former) Ministry of Health and Welfare 厚生年金 こうせいねんきん welfare pension 厚み あつみ thickness, profound 濃厚 のうこう density, richness, concentration, tension 重厚 じゅうこう, ちょうこう thickness, composure and dignity 福利厚生 ふくりこうせい welfare program, welfare programme 温厚 おんこう gentle