Kanji List

- kun: こぼ.れる, あふ.れる, み.ちる
- on: イツ
- meaning: overflow, inundate, spill
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 溢れる あぶれる to fail (in getting a job), to fail (at fishing, hunting, etc.) 溢れ あふれ overflow 溢れる あふれる to overflow, to brim over, to flood 溢す こぼす to spill; to grumble 溢れかえる あふれかえる to be awash with, to teem with, to be full of 溢る あふる to flood, to overflow, to brim over 溢れんばかり あふれんばかり overflowing, effusive, exuberant, bountiful 溢れだす あふれだす to begin to overflow, to start overflowing, to pour out 溢し こぼし spilling, grumbling; waste-water container (tea ceremony) 溢れ出る あふれでる to overflow from something full