Kanji List

- kun: ちぎ.る
- on: ケイ
- meaning: pledge, promise, vow
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 契約 けいやく contract, compact, agreement 契機 けいき opportunity, chance 契り ちぎり pledge, vow, promise, destiny, share bed and board 契る ちぎる to pledge, to promise, to swear; to have sexual intercourse (esp. between husband and wife), to share a bed 契印 けいいん impression of a seal over the joint of two papers, tally 契約期間 けいやくきかん contract period 契約書 けいやくしょ (written) contract 信託契約 しんたくけいやく trust agreement 双務契約 そうむけいやく bilateral agreement 二世の契り にせのちぎり marriage vows