Kanji List

- kun: むね, むな-
- on: キョウ
- meaning: bosom, breast, chest, heart, feelings
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 胸 むね breast, chest 度胸 どきょう courage, bravery, pluck, nerve, grit, guts 胸部 きょうぶ chest, breast 胸中 きょうちゅう one's heart, one's mind, one's intentions 胸元 むなもと breast, pit of stomach 胸像 きょうぞう bust (statue) 胸襟 きょうきん one's heart 胸突き八丁 むなつきはっちょう the most trying spot or period, the most difficult period 胸びれ むなびれ pectoral fin 胸をときめかす むねをときめかす to make one's heart flutter