Kanji List

- kun: なぐさ.める, なぐさ.む
- on: イ
- meaning: consolation, amusement, seduce, cheer, make sport of, comfort, console
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 慰安 いあん solace, relaxation 慰霊 いれい comfort the spirit (of the dead) 慰謝 いしゃ consolation 慰霊祭 いれいさい memorial service 慰問 いもん condolences, sympathy call 慰留 いりゅう dissuasion from resigning or leaving 慰労 いろう recognition of services 慰み なぐさみ amusement, diversion (to pass time), pastime, recreation 慰む なぐさむ to be diverted, to forget one's worries, to comfort 慰め なぐさめ comfort, consolation, diversion