Kanji List

- on: カン
- meaning: intuition, perception
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 勘 かん perception, intuition, the sixth sense 勘定 かんじょう calculation, counting, consideration, reckoning, settlement of an account, allowance 勘案 かんあん taking into consideration, giving consideration (to), thinking 勘違い かんちがい misunderstanding, wrong guess 割り勘 わりかん splitting the cost, Dutch treat 勘ぐる かんぐる to be suspicious of 勘づく かんづく to suspect, to sense (danger), to scent 勘える かんがえる to consider, to think about 勘弁 かんべん pardon, forgiveness, forbearance 仮勘定 かりかんじょう suspense account