Kanji List

- kun: よど.む
- on: テン, デン
- meaning: pool, eddy
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 淀川 よどがわ river in Osaka Prefecture 淀 よどみ stagnation, deposit, sediment, backwater; faltering, hesitation, pause 淀 よど pool (in river) 淀む よどむ to stagnate, to be stagnant, to settle, to deposit, to be sedimented, to be precipitated, to hesitate, to be sluggish, to stammer, to stumble, to falter 淀み よどみ stagnation, deposit, sediment, backwater; faltering, hesitation, pause 言い淀む いいよどむ to hesitate to say 言淀む いいよどむ to hesitate to say 淀木瓜 よどぼけ Choenomeles lagenaria, yodoboke flowering quince