Kanji List

- kun: お-, おす, おん
- on: ユウ
- meaning: masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 雄 おす male (animal) 英雄 えいゆう hero, great man 雄弁 ゆうべん oratory, eloquence 雄大 ゆうだい grandeur, magnificence, splendour, splendor 雌雄 しゆう male and female (animal) 雄姿 ゆうし gallant figure 雄花 おばな male flower 両雄 りょうゆう two great men (rivals) 群雄割拠 ぐんゆうかっきょ rivalry of local warlords, a number of powerful (talented, influential) persons standing by themselves in a given field 雄たけび おたけび, おさけび war cry, roar