Kanji List

- on: カイ
- meaning: jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 介入 かいにゅう intervention 介護 かいご nursing 紹介 しょうかい introduction, referral 仲介 ちゅうかい agency, intermediation 魚介類 ぎょかいるい marine products, seafood, fish and shellfish 介助 かいじょ help, assistance, aid; to assist, to help, to aid 介在 かいざい mediation, interposition, intervention 厄介 やっかい trouble, burden, care, bother, worry, dependence, support, kindness, obligation 介する かいする to use as an intermediary, to mediate, to assist; to worry, to mind, to care 媒介 ばいかい intermediary