Kanji List

- kun: くに
- on: ホウ
- meaning: home country, country, Japan
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 連邦 れんぽう commonwealth, federation of states 邦人 ほうじん fellow countryman; Japanese (nationals or residents) 邦楽 ほうがく (traditional) Japanese music 東邦 とうほう Oriental country, the Orient 邦画 ほうが Japanese film 邦訳 ほうやく translation into Japanese 本邦 ほんぽう this country, our country 異邦人 いほうじん foreigner, stranger, gentile 友邦 ゆうほう friendly nation 邦 くに country, (the) state; region; province (of Japan); home (i.e. hometown, home country); land, earth