Kanji List

- kun: ちち
- on: フ
- meaning: father
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 父 ちち father お父さん おとうさん father 父親 ちちおや father 父母 ふぼ, ちちはは father and mother, parents 祖父 そふ, じじ, じい, おおじ, おじ, そぶ grandfather; old man; kyogen mask used for the role of an old man 義父 ぎふ father-in-law, foster father, stepfather 神父 しんぷ Catholic priest, abbe 祖父母 そふぼ grandparents 叔父 おじ, しゅくふ uncle (younger than one's parent) 父子 ふし father and child (son)