Kanji List

- kun: あ.てる, -あて, -づつ, あたか.も
- on: エン
- meaning: address, just like, fortunately
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 宛 あて addressed to 宛てがう あてがう to allot, to allocate; to supply with, to furnish; to fit to, to fasten to, to apply to 宛がう あてがう to allot, to allocate; to supply with, to furnish; to fit to, to fasten to, to apply to 宛てる あてる to address 宛ら さながら just like 宛て あて addressed to 宛い あてがい allotment, arrangement 私宛 わたしあて, わたくしあて my address 宛て字 あてじ phonetic-equivalent character, substitute character 宛字 あてじ phonetic-equivalent character, substitute character