Kanji List

- on: ヒン
- meaning: V.I.P., guest
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 迎賓館 げいひんかん reception hall 国賓 こくひん state guest 来賓 らいひん guest, visitor, visitor's arrival 賓客 ひんきゃく, ひんかく guest of honour, guest of honor, privileged guest, visitor 貴賓 きひん noble visitor 主賓 しゅひん main guest, guest of honor, guest of honour すい賓 すいひん (in China) 7th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. G sharp); fifth lunar month 比律賓 ふぃりっぴん, フィリピン, フイリピン Philippines 佳賓 かひん good guest, interesting guest 正賓 せいひん guest of honor, guest of honour