Kanji List

- on: ハク, ヒョウ
- meaning: clap, beat (music)
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 拍手 はくしゅ clapping hands, applause 拍車 はくしゃ (riding) spur 拍子 ひょうし (musical) time, tempo, beat, rhythm; the moment, the instance, chance 脈拍 みゃくはく pulse, pulsation, stroke of pulse 心拍数 しんぱくすう one's heart rate, pulse rate 手拍子 てびょうし beating time, carelessly 心拍 しんぱく heart rate 拍 はく beat (music); mora (rhythmic unit) 三拍子 さんびょうし triple time (music), 3 important requisites 拍子抜け ひょうしぬけ anticlimax, let-down, disappointment, loss of interest