Kanji List

- kun: せ
- on: ライ
- meaning: rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 瀬 せ shallows, shoal; rapids, current, torrent; position, place; chance, opportunity 瀬戸 せと strait, channel 瀬戸際 せとぎわ brink, critical moment 高瀬 たかせ shallows 早瀬 はやせ swift current, rapids 年の瀬 としのせ New Year's Eve, the year end 浅瀬 あさせ shoal, shallows, sand bar, ford 川瀬 かわせ rapids, shallows of a river 瀬踏み せぶみ sounding out, measuring the depths (of a river) やる瀬ない やるせない helpless, cheerless, miserable, disconsolate, dreary, downhearted