Kanji List

- on: シュン
- meaning: sagacious, genius, excellence
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 俊 しゅん, じゅん excellence, genius 俊彦 しゅんげん gifted (accomplished) man 俊足 しゅんそく swift horse, fleet steed, fast runner; talented person, brilliant person 英俊 えいしゅん a genius, prodigy 俊英 しゅんえい excellence, genius 俊偉 しゅんい large and excellent 俊逸 しゅんいつ excellence, genius 俊傑 しゅんけつ hero, genius 俊賢 しゅんけん excellent wisdom 俊豪 しゅんごう talent, man of outstanding learning and virtue