Kanji List

- kun: おお.い
- on: シュウ, シュ
- meaning: masses, great numbers, multitude, populace
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 衆院 しゅういん lower house of the Diet 大衆 たいしゅう general public 民衆 みんしゅう people, populace, masses 衆 しゅう, しゅ masses, great number, the people 聴衆 ちょうしゅう audience, attendance, hearers 衆議院 しゅうぎいん lower house, House of Representatives 観衆 かんしゅう spectators, onlookers, members of the audience 公衆電話 こうしゅうでんわ public telephone, pay phone 群衆 ぐんしゅう, ぐんしゅ, ぐんじゅ group (of people), crowd, horde, throng, mob, multitude 公衆 こうしゅう the public, general public