Kanji List

- kun: そね.む, ねた.む, にく.む
- on: シツ
- meaning: jealous, envy
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 嫉妬 しっと jealousy 嫉む そねむ to be jealous, to be envious 嫉視 しっし jealous 嫉妬深い しっとぶかい (deeply) jealous 嫉妬の炎 しっとのほのお flames of jealousy 嫉視反目 しっしはんもく jealousy and enmity, being jealous of and at odds with (each other) 反目嫉視 はんもくしっし jealousy and enmity, being jealous of and at odds with (each other) 嫉妬心 しっとしん feeling of envy, jealous feeling