Kanji List

- kun: や.める, いな.む
- on: ジ
- meaning: resign, word, term, expression
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 辞任 じにん to resign; resignation 辞職 じしょく resignation 辞す じす to excuse oneself, to take one's leave; to quit, to resign, to retire, to leave post; to decline, to turn down; unhesitatingly 辞表 じひょう letter of resignation 総辞職 そうじしょく mass resignation 辞意 じい intention to resign 辞書 じしょ dictionary, lexicon; letter of resignation 辞典 じてん, ことばてん dictionary 辞退 じたい refusal 辞令 じれい notice of personnel change (appointment, dismissal, etc.)