Kanji List

- kun: うし
- on: チュウ
- meaning: sign of the ox or cow, 1-3AM, second sign of Chinese zodiac
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 丑 うし second sign of Chinese zodiac (The Ox, 1am-3am, north-northeast, December) 丑年 うしどし year of the ox 丑寅 うしとら northeast 丑の刻 うしのこく two o'clock in the morning 丑の年 うしのとし Year of the Ox 丑三つ時 うしみつどき midnight 癸丑 きちゅう 50th of the sexagenary cycle 草木も眠る丑三つ時 くさきもねむるうしみつとき the dead of night 丑の日 うしのひ day of the ox (esp. in midsummer or midwinter) 土用の丑の日 どようのうしのひ day of the ox in midsummer (during the hottest season), dog days of summer