Kanji List
- kun: さら.す, さらし
- on: サイ, シ
- meaning: bleach, refine, expose, air
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 晒 さらし bleaching, bleached cotton 晒し さらし bleaching, bleached cotton 晒す さらす to expose (to the air, to the public, to danger, etc.); to bleach, to refine 晒木綿 さらしもめん bleached cotton cloth 晒し木綿 さらしもめん bleached cotton cloth 店晒し たなざらし shopworn goods, dead stock, shelf warmer 夜晒 よざらし leaving things exposed outside all night 恥晒し はじさらし disgrace 晒し者 さらしもの pilloried criminal exposed to public view, public scorn or humiliation 晒者 さらしもの pilloried criminal exposed to public view, public scorn or humiliation