Kanji List

- kun: まか.せる, まか.す
- on: ニン
- meaning: responsibility, duty, term, entrust to, appoint
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 責任 せきにん duty, responsibility; liability, onus 辞任 じにん to resign; resignation 就任 しゅうにん inauguration, assumption of office 常任 じょうにん standing, regular, permanent 任期 にんき term of office 後任 こうにん successor 責任者 せきにんしゃ responsible party 任 にん obligation, duty, charge, responsibility 主任 しゅにん person in charge, responsible official 任務 にんむ duty, function, office, mission, task

- kun: ま.す, ま.し, ふ.える, ふ.やす
- on: ゾウ
- meaning: increase, add, augment, gain, promote
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 増加 ぞうか increase, increment, addition 増税 ぞうぜい tax increase 増殖 ぞうしょく increase, multiplication, propagation 急増 きゅうぞう explosion, proliferation, surge 増大 ぞうだい enlargement, increase 増強 ぞうきょう augment, reinforce, increase 増し まし, マシ better, less objectionable, preferable; more, increase, extra; increase, growth 増収 ぞうしゅう increase in yield 増益 ぞうえき increased (profit) 増額 ぞうがく increased amount

- kun: なさ.け
- on: ジョウ, セイ
- meaning: feelings, emotion, passion, sympathy, circumstances, facts
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 情 じょう feelings, emotion, passion 事情 じじょう circumstances, consideration, conditions, situation, reasons 情勢 じょうせい state of things, state of affairs, condition, situation, circumstances 情報 じょうほう news, gossip, (military) intelligence; information (data contained in characters, signals, code, etc.) 表情 ひょうじょう facial expression 感情 かんじょう emotion, feeling, feelings, sentiment 実情 じつじょう real condition, actual circumstances, actual state of affairs 苦情 くじょう complaint, troubles, objection, grievance 情熱 じょうねつ passion, enthusiasm, zeal 愛情 あいじょう love, affection

- kun: しめ.す
- on: ジ, シ
- meaning: show, indicate, point out, express, display
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 示す しめす to denote, to show, to point out, to indicate, to exemplify 指示 しじ indication, instruction, designation, directions 表示 ひょうじ indication, expression, display, presentation 展示 てんじ exhibition, display 開示 かいじ disclosure (legal) 告示 こくじ notice, bulletin 公示 こうじ, こうし edict, public announcement 示し しめし discipline, revelation 提示 ていじ presentation, exhibit, suggest, citation 意思表示 いしひょうじ declaration of intention

- kun: たし.か, たし.かめる
- on: カク, コウ
- meaning: assurance, firm, tight, hard, solid, confirm, clear, evident
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 確か たしか certain, sure, definite; if I'm not mistaken, if I remember correctly 確実 かくじつ certainty, reliability, soundness 確保 かくほ guarantee, maintain, ensure, insure, secure, reservation 明確 めいかく clear up, clarify, define 確認 かくにん affirmation, confirmation, validation 確立 かくりつ establishment 確定 かくてい decision, settlement; definition 的確 てきかく, てっかく precise, accurate 確率 かくりつ probability, likelihood, chances 確執 かくしつ discord, antagonism

- kun: いきお.い, はずみ
- on: セイ, ゼイ
- meaning: forces, energy, military strength
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 勢い いきおい force, vigor, vigour, energy, spirit, life; influence, authority, power, might; impetus, momentum, course (of events); naturally, necessarily 勢み はずみ bounce, spring, rebound; momentum, inertia; spur of the moment, impulse 姿勢 しせい attitude, posture 情勢 じょうせい state of things, state of affairs, condition, situation, circumstances 勢力 せいりょく influence, power, might, strength, potency, force, energy 態勢 たいせい attitude, conditions, preparations 大勢 おおぜい, たいぜい many, crowd, great number of people 攻勢 こうせい offensive (movement), aggression 伊勢丹 いせたん Isetan (department store) 優勢 ゆうせい superiority, superior power, predominance, preponderance

- kun: へ.る, へ.らす
- on: ゲン
- meaning: dwindle, decrease, reduce, decline, curtail, get hungry
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 削減 さくげん cut, reduction, curtailment 減税 げんぜい tax reduction 減少 げんしょう decrease, reduction, decline 減益 げんえき decrease in profits 減速 げんそく deceleration 軽減 けいげん abatement, reduction 減収 げんしゅう fall, decrease (in income) 減反 げんたん reduction (of crop size), reduction of acreage (under cultivation) 減額 げんがく reduction, diminution, abatement 減産 げんさん reduction in production

- kun: い.れる
- on: ヨウ
- meaning: contain, form, looks
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 内容 ないよう subject, contents, matter, substance, detail, import 容疑者 ようぎしゃ suspect (person) 容疑 ようぎ suspect, charge 容易 ようい easy, simple, plain 容認 ようにん approval 容器 ようき container, vessel 収容 しゅうよう accommodation, reception, housing; seating; custody; admission; entering (in a dictionary) 収容所 しゅうようじょ home, asylum, camp 全容 ぜんよう full portrait, whole aspect, full story 容量 ようりょう capacity, electrical capacitance

- on: エン
- meaning: performance, act, play, render, stage
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 演説 えんぜつ speech, address 公演 こうえん public performance; sumo exhibition in a foreign country 講演 こうえん lecture, address, speech 演出 えんしゅつ production (e.g. play), direction 出演 しゅつえん performance, stage appearance; to act (in a play) 演奏 えんそう musical performance 演劇 えんげき play (theatrical) 演技 えんぎ acting, performance 演習 えんしゅう practice, practise, exercises, manoeuvres, maneuvers, practicum 主演 しゅえん starring, playing the leading part

- kun: よ.く
- on: ノウ
- meaning: ability, talent, skill, capacity
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 能 のう talent, gift, function; noh (theatre) 可能 かのう possible, practicable, feasible 可能性 かのうせい potentiality, likelihood, possibility, availability 機能 きのう function, facility, faculty, feature 能力 のうりょく ability, faculty 芸能 げいのう public entertainment, accomplishments, attainments 不可能 ふかのう impossible 放射能 ほうしゃのう radioactivity 才能 さいのう talent, ability 性能 せいのう ability, performance, efficiency