Kanji List
- kun: ささ.える, つか.える, か.う
- on: シ
- meaning: branch, support, sustain, branch radical (no. 65)
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 支援 しえん support, backing, aid, assistance 支持 しじ support, maintenance 支局 しきょく branch office 支店 してん branch store (office) 支配 しはい rule, control, direction 支部 しぶ branch, subdivision 収支 しゅうし income and expenditure 支払い しはらい payment 支出 ししゅつ expenditure, expenses 支給 しきゅう provision, supply, payment, allowance, grant
- kun: むく.いる
- on: ホウ
- meaning: report, news, reward, retribution
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 情報 じょうほう news, gossip, (military) intelligence; information (data contained in characters, signals, code, etc.) 報告 ほうこく report, information 報道 ほうどう information, report, journalism 報告書 ほうこくしょ (written) report 広報 こうほう PR, public relations, publicity, information 報酬 ほうしゅう remuneration, recompense, reward, toll 報道陣 ほうどうじん press corps 速報 そくほう prompt report, quick announcement 日報 にっぽう daily report 報復 ほうふく retribution
- kun: と.く, と.かす, と.ける, ほど.く, ほど.ける, わか.る, さと.る
- on: カイ, ゲ
- meaning: unravel, notes, key, explanation, understanding, untie, undo, solve, answer, cancel, absolve, explain, minute
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 解決 かいけつ settlement, solution, resolution 解散 かいさん breakup, dissolution 見解 けんかい opinion, point of view 理解 りかい understanding, comprehension 解除 かいじょ cancellation, rescinding, release, calling off, lifting (sanctions), delisting 解放 かいほう release, unleashing, liberation, emancipation, setting free; deallocation (of computer memory) 解明 かいめい clarification, elucidation, explication 和解 わかい, わげ reconciliation, settlement, accommodation, compromise, mediation, rapprochement; (legal) settlement; translation of a foreign language into Japanese 解消 かいしょう cancellation, liquidation, resolution, reduction (e.g. of stress) 解説 かいせつ explanation, commentary, exposition, elucidation
- on: シ
- meaning: assets, resources, capital, funds, data, be conducive to, contribute to
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 資金 しきん funds, capital 投資 とうし investment 融資 ゆうし financing, loan 資産 しさん property, fortune, means, assets 資料 しりょう materials, data, document 資格 しかく qualifications, requirements, capabilities 資源 しげん resources 資本 しほん funds, capital 物資 ぶっし goods, materials 出資 しゅっし investment, contribution, financing
- kun: きわ, -ぎわ
- on: サイ
- meaning: occasion, side, edge, verge, dangerous, adventurous, indecent, time, when
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 際 さい on the occasion of, circumstances 国際 こくさい international 国際的 こくさいてき international 実際 じっさい practicality, practical; reality, actuality, actual conditions; bhutakoti (limit of reality) 国際化 こくさいか internationalization, internationalisation, i18n (in IT) 国際法 こくさいほう international laws 交際 こうさい company, friendship, association, society, acquaintance 交際費 こうさいひ entertainment expenses 国際人 こくさいじん international celebrity, cosmopolitan, citizen of the world 国際協力事業団 こくさいきょうりょくじぎょうだん Japan International Cooperation Agency (1974), JICA
- on: サ
- meaning: investigate
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 捜査 そうさ search (esp. in criminal investigations), investigation, inquiry, enquiry 調査 ちょうさ investigation, examination, inquiry, enquiry, survey 検査 けんさ inspection (e.g. customs, factory), examination 査察 ささつ inspection (for compliance), investigation (tax, etc.) 審査 しんさ judging, inspection, examination, investigation 実態調査 じったいちょうさ factual investigation 監査役 かんさやく auditor, inspector 巡査 じゅんさ police, policeman 監査 かんさ inspection, audit, judgement, judgment 探査 たんさ probe, inquiry, enquiry, investigation
- kun: わか.る
- on: ハン, バン
- meaning: judgement, signature, stamp, seal
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 裁判 さいばん trial, judgement, judgment 判決 はんけつ judicial decision, judgement, judgment, sentence, decree 判断 はんだん judgement, judgment, decision, adjudication, conclusion, decipherment, divination 批判 ひはん criticism, judgement, judgment, comment 公判 こうはん public hearing, trial 裁判所 さいばんしょ court, courthouse 審判 しんぱん, しんばん refereeing, trial, judgement, judgment, umpire, referee 判定 はんてい judgement, judgment, decision, award, verdict 評判 ひょうばん fame, reputation, popularity; rumour (rumor), talk 判事 はんじ judge, judiciary
- kun: あ.る
- on: ザイ
- meaning: exist, outskirts, suburbs, located in
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 在る ある to be (usu. of inanimate objects), to exist, to live; to have; to be located; to be equipped with; to happen, to come about 現在 げんざい now, current, present, present time, as of 存在 そんざい existence, being 在住 ざいじゅう resident 在日 ざいにち in Japan; people in Japan (esp. Koreans living in Japan, often used as a slur) 滞在 たいざい stay, sojourn 在庫 ざいこ inventory, stockpile, stock 在りし日 ありしひ days of yore, the olden days; during one's lifetime 在宅 ざいたく being in, being at home 不在 ふざい absence
- kun: くだん
- on: ケン
- meaning: affair, case, matter, item
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 件 けん matter, case, item 事件 じけん event, affair, incident, case, plot, trouble, scandal 条件 じょうけん condition(s), term(s), requirement(s) 件数 けんすう number (of things) 人件費 じんけんひ personnel expenses, labor cost, labour cost; indirect labour costs, indirect labor costs 本件 ほんけん this matter or case 条件付き じょうけんつき conditionally, with conditions attached 物件 ぶっけん article, thing 要件 ようけん requirement, important matter 案件 あんけん matter in question, subject
- kun: かたまり, まる.い
- on: ダン, トン
- meaning: group, association
- words:
Word Reading Meaning 団体 だんたい organization, organisation, association 集団 しゅうだん group, mass 暴力団 ぼうりょくだん gangster organization (organisation), crime syndicate, yakuza (Japanese mafia), band of thugs, group of hoodlums 経団連 けいだんれん Federation of Economic Organizations (Organisation) 球団 きゅうだん baseball team 財団 ざいだん foundation 団長 だんちょう leader of a delegation (body, party) 劇団 げきだん troupe, theatrical company 財団法人 ざいだんほうじん incorporated foundation, juridical foundation 公団 こうだん public corporation