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Kanji List
- kun: たち, ただ.す, もと, わりふ
- on: シツ, シチ, チ
- meaning: substance, quality, matter, temperament
- words:
Word | Reading | Meaning |
質 | しつ | quality |
質問 | しつもん | question, inquiry, enquiry |
実質 | じっしつ | substance, essence |
物質 | ぶっしつ | material, substance |
実質的 | じっしつてき | substantial |
体質 | たいしつ | constitution (physical), genetic make-up, predisposition (to disease) |
質疑 | しつぎ | question; interpellation |
本質 | ほんしつ | essence, true nature, substance, reality |
人質 | ひとじち | hostage, prisoner |
品質 | ひんしつ | (material) quality |
- kun: まつりごと, まん
- on: セイ, ショウ
- meaning: politics, government
- words:
Word | Reading | Meaning |
政 | まつりごと | rule, government |
行政 | ぎょうせい | administration |
財政 | ざいせい | financial affairs, public finance |
政界 | せいかい | political world |
政権 | せいけん | (political) administration, political power |
政策 | せいさく | political measures, policy |
政治 | せいじ | politics, government |
政治家 | せいじか | politician, statesman |
政党 | せいとう | (member of) political party |
政府 | せいふ | government, administration |
- kun: へ.る, た.つ, たていと, はか.る, のり
- on: ケイ, キョウ
- meaning: sutra, longitude, pass thru, expire, warp
- words:
Word | Reading | Meaning |
経 | きょう | sutra, Buddhist scriptures |
経営 | けいえい | management, administration |
経済 | けいざい | economics, business, finance, economy |
経験 | けいけん | experience |
経営者 | けいえいしゃ | manager, proprietor |
経団連 | けいだんれん | Federation of Economic Organizations (Organisation) |
経費 | けいひ | expenses, cost, outlay |
経緯 | けいい, いきさつ | details, whole story, sequence of events, chronology, particulars, how it started, how things got this way; complications, position |
経済的 | けいざいてき | economic, economical |
経常 | けいじょう | ordinary |
- kun: あらわ.れる, あらわ.す, うつつ, うつ.つ
- on: ゲン
- meaning: present, existing, actual
- words:
Word | Reading | Meaning |
現在 | げんざい | now, current, present, present time, as of |
現実 | げんじつ | reality |
現場 | げんば, げんじょう | actual spot, scene, scene of the crime |
現地 | げんち | actual place, local |
現行 | げんこう | present, current, in operation |
現状 | げんじょう | present condition, existing state, status quo |
現代 | げんだい | nowadays, modern era, modern times, present-day |
実現 | じつげん | implementation (e.g. of a system), materialization, materialisation, realization, realisation |
表現 | ひょうげん | expression, presentation; representation, notation |
現金 | げんきん | cash, ready money, mercenary, self-interested |
- kun: さが
- on: セイ, ショウ
- meaning: sex, gender, nature
- words:
Word | Reading | Meaning |
可能性 | かのうせい | potentiality, likelihood, possibility, availability |
女性 | じょせい | woman, female; feminine gender |
男性 | だんせい | man, male; masculine gender |
性格 | せいかく | character, personality |
必要性 | ひつようせい | necessity |
活性 | かっせい | activity |
個性 | こせい | individuality, personality, idiosyncrasy |
急性 | きゅうせい | acute (e.g. illness) |
放射性 | ほうしゃせい | radioactive |
感性 | かんせい | sensitivity, sensitiveness, sense |
- on: セイ
- meaning: system, law, rule
- words:
Word | Reading | Meaning |
制 | せい | system, organization, organisation, imperial command, laws, regulation, control, government, suppression, restraint, holding back, establishment |
規制 | きせい | regulation, (traffic) policing, control, restriction |
制度 | せいど | system, institution, organization, organisation |
体制 | たいせい | order, system, structure, set-up, organization, organisation |
制裁 | せいさい | restraint, sanctions, punishment |
税制 | ぜいせい | tax system |
強制 | きょうせい | obligation, coercion, compulsion, enforcement |
制限 | せいげん | restriction, restraint, limitation, limit |
制作 | せいさく | work (film, book) |
制定 | せいてい | enactment, establishment, creation |
- kun: つと.める
- on: ム
- meaning: task, duties
- words:
Word | Reading | Meaning |
外務省 | がいむしょう | Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
務める | つとめる | to work (for), to be employed (at), to serve (in); to serve (as), to act (as), to fill (the position of), to play the role (of); to conduct a religious service |
事務 | じむ | business, office work |
事務局 | じむきょく | secretariat, executive office |
事務所 | じむしょ | office |
業務 | ぎょうむ | business, affairs, duties, work, procedure, task, action, function |
常務 | じょうむ | managing director, executive director; routine business, regular business |
専務 | せんむ | managing director, special duty, conductor |
総務 | そうむ | general business (affairs), manager, director, adjutant general (mil) |
外務 | がいむ | foreign affairs |
- kun: す.べて, すべ.て, ふさ
- on: ソウ
- meaning: general, whole, all, full, total
- words:
Word | Reading | Meaning |
総会 | そうかい | general meeting |
総裁 | そうさい | president |
総選挙 | そうせんきょ | general election (of the lower house) |
総合 | そうごう | synthesis, coordination, putting together, integration, composite; comprehensive |
総額 | そうがく | sum total, total amount |
総長 | そうちょう | (college) president, secretary-general |
総務 | そうむ | general business (affairs), manager, director, adjutant general (mil) |
総理 | そうり | prime minister, leader, overseer (of national affairs), president |
総会屋 | そうかいや | extortionist that threatens to disrupt stock-holder meetings |
総括 | そうかつ | synthesis, recap, generalize, generalise |
- kun: えり
- on: リョウ
- meaning: jurisdiction, dominion, territory, fief, reign
- words:
Word | Reading | Meaning |
大統領 | だいとうりょう | president, chief executive |
領土 | りょうど | dominion, territory, possession |
占領 | せんりょう | occupation, capture, possession, have a room to oneself |
領域 | りょういき | area, domain, territory, field, range, region, regime |
綱領 | こうりょう | general plan, main points, summary, platform (e.g. for a campaign), mission statement |
領内 | りょうない | (within a) territory, domains |
領有 | りょうゆう | possession |
横領 | おうりょう | usurpation, embezzlement, misappropriation |
受領 | じゅりょう | receipt (of letter), acknowledgement, acceptance |
総領事 | そうりょうじ | consul general |
- kun: もう.ける
- on: セツ
- meaning: establishment, provision, prepare
- words:
Word | Reading | Meaning |
建設 | けんせつ | construction, establishment |
施設 | しせつ | institution, establishment, facility; (army) engineer |
設置 | せっち | establishment, institution |
設備 | せつび | equipment, device, facilities, installation |
設計 | せっけい | plan, design, layout |
設立 | せつりつ | establishment, foundation, incorporation (of a business) |
設定 | せってい | establishment, creation; options or preference settings (in computer software), configuration, assignment, setup |
創設 | そうせつ | establishment, founding, organization, organisation |
建設省 | けんせつしょう | Ministry of Construction |
開設 | かいせつ | establishment, opening |
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